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Welcome to the Discoverers Class!

The Discoverers class is taught by Mrs Rouse and supported by Miss Jannelli. 


Mrs Rouse and Miss J drawn by an artist in our class.

Learning Environment

In Discoverers class we provide an engaging, safe and welcoming learning environment. Children have opportunities to learn inside and outside the classroom. They have regular trips to Footscray Meadows for outdoor learning to enhance what has taken place inside the classroom. Our highlight of outdoor learning this year was when we got to release the butterflies we had been looking after!


Trips and Visits

In our class, we love to go on trips and visits to further our learning! Our favourite trips this year were - London Zoo, the Science Museum and the annual beach trip.



Prayer Space

Our classroom has a prayer space. This is a calm and quiet area where children can read the Bible, have reflection time or write a prayer to God. Our 'Bible Stories' display has beautiful collaborative art that the children made based on the story of Noahs Ark.




Reading Corner and Calm Corner

The Discoverers reading corner is an inviting space that has been created to promote a love and passion for reading. All book genres are clearly labelled and we have a box of 'Mrs Rouse's favourites', where they can explore and read my favourite picture books. The children have a timetabled slot every week to visit the school library to encourage their love of reading.

The calm corner is a space in the classroom where the children can go if they need quiet time. It has weighted blankets, colour monsters that relate to their feelings, cushions with affirmations, and it is just a cosy place for them to chill. 



A major focus of the Key Stage 1 curriculum is developing children's reading skills using a programme of Phonics. We use the Little Wandle scheme to support this. In June 2025, the Year 1s will complete a Phonics test which is set by the Government. There will be a parent workshop later in the year regarding this. 

Phonics resources for parents:


KS1 SATs - Updated for 23/24.

The Department for Education has stated:

"Following the 2017 consultation on primary assessment, we announced in July 2022 that end of KS1 assessments will no longer be statutory from the academic year 2023 to 2024 onwards. The necessary legislative amendments have now been made and will take effect from 1 September 2023."