Welcome to Creators Class!
Creators class is taught by Mrs Johnson (Monday-Wednesday) and Miss Adams (Wednesday-Friday) and supported by Miss Steele.
In Creators class, we are proud to provide a bright and friendly environment in which to learn. This motivates and engages the children. Putting them first, whilst providing opportunities both inside and outside the classroom to support learning, is at the heart of our curriculum. During our time in Years 4 and 5, you can watch us grow in confidence as we push ourselves out of our comfort zones to rise to new challenges, maintaining a Growth Mindset.
When planning lessons, we use the children’s previous knowledge, experiences and interests to motivate, challenge and engage them. Core texts used in English are carefully considered, covering a broad range of literature. Maths lessons are taught with a mastery approach, where children are encouraged to gain a deeper understanding of concepts through the use of practical resources and pictorial representations.
Immersing ourselves in the captivating class read Ocean Meets Sky.
Enjoying learning about the Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons.
Enjoying learning outside in Forest School.
Bring the outdoors inside for our art lesson.
Outdoor science sessions.
Our amazing DT/Art project: Desk Pet City.
ICT lessons.