About our school
Welcome From the Principal
Dear families,
A very warm welcome to Hope Community School, and thank you for taking the time to explore our website.
Hope Community School is a wonderfully unique school to be a part of. We pride ourselves on offering children a nurturing, safe environment; designed to inspire a lifelong learning journey. We strongly believe in children being able to learn in exciting, creative and meaningful ways, which develop the whole child and allows every individual to be the very best they can be. As a smaller school we are able to develop very strong relationships with all of our children and families, and we ensure provision is tailored to each child's personal needs.
As a mother of two primary school aged children myself, I am passionate about delivering the highest standard of teaching and learning possible, while also nurturing and tending to the children’s emotional and social well-being. I also believe firmly in working closely with you, the families, and the local community to ensure we have the strongest partnerships possible.
Here at Hope we warmly welcome families into the school regularly to meet with teachers, chat over coffee mornings and join our collectives, as we feel this ensures you are actively involved in your child's journey through the school.
Underpinned by a Christian ethos, Hope Community School, has an inclusive culture built on love and respect for all. We celebrate diversity, difference and inclusivity, and we encourage children of any, or no, faith background to join our welcoming family.
Please browse our website to get a flavour of our curriculum, the enjoyment and excellence we offer our children and to find out more about the school and of course, if you would like to come and visit, you would be very welcome.
Mrs S Donnelly